sábado, 25 de julho de 2020

Inglês 8ºC e 8ºD - Prof Gleise

General review

        1. Escreva a or na

  1. He is_____ American Singer.

  2. She is____English painter.

  3. I am______teacher.

  4. This is_____orange.

  5. We have ______ shop douwtown.

  6. Paul is _____ intelligent boy.

  7. It’s _______ interesting game.

  8. It’s ______ animal.

  9. He’s _______ good player.

  10. He’s ______ great man.

2. Escreva as formas verbais abreviadas.

  1. I am =

  2. You are =

  3. She is =

  4. He is =

  5. We are =

  6. You are =

  7. They are =

3. Plural of nouns

Regra geral: acrescenta – se s ao singular (pencil, pencils).

Palavras terminadas em: s,ch, sh,o,x,z: acrescenta- se es.

Palavras terminadas em y precedido de vogal: acrescenta – se s ( boy, boys).

Palavras terminadas em y precedido de consoante mudarão para ies (city, cities).

Palavras terminadas em man fazem o plural men (fireman, firemen).

Observe estes plurais: foot: feet; tooth: teeth; goose: geese; mouse: mice; people ( pessoas, povo): peoples ( povos).

Palavras terminadas em f ou fe fazem plural em ves: leaf: leaves; thief: thieves.


1.Passe para o plural.

  1. dog –                                                      x. toys -              

  2. class –

  3. watch-

  4. beach –

  5. door –

  6. window – 

  7. match –

  8. dress –

  9. hat –

  10. school –

  11. bus –

  12. kiss –

  13. box –

  14. fox –

  15. wish –

  16. child –

  17. tooth –

  18. foot –

  19. lady –

  20. baby –

  21. leaf –

  22. city –

  23. activity –

2. Mude as palavras em destaque para o plural e faça as adaptações que se fizeram necessárias.

Observe o exemplo.

This is my friend.

These are my friend.

  1. This book is mine.


  1. I am well today.


  1. She likes you.


  1. That pencil belongs to Jane.


  1. The girl does her homework.


  1. The child is beautiful.


  1. He is playing football.


  1. The tomato is red.


  1. The bus is late.


  1. He was here lest month.


  1. This book is yours.
